News 1 • Travel Update (and not the fun kind)

This is my first ever newsletter and reluctantly it is about a very average, non-marketing-related topic.  Good ol’ Coronavizzle.

As most of you know, I’ve been travelling Europe (mostly UK) for the last 9 months, happily working away from whatever random small town I roll into.  This has been working pretty well so far, despite the various time differences.

In light of the recent media frenzy about the virus and various countries shutting borders, I have decided to head back to Australia a few weeks earlier than planned.  I have events and meetings booked back in Oz that I cannot risk missing, so I will be flying back today.

I’ll be flying direct to Sydney, which is a 24ish hour trip with a short layover in Singapore. Unfortunately, this means I will be out of action work-wise, and out of contact for the next 25 hours.  I will check in during my layover in Singapore (Saturday, around 6pm Perth time; 10am London time) and if there’s anything urgent I’ll do my best to attend to it. 

I’m sure being the weekend everything will be fine, but just wanted to let those of you who rely on prompt responses from me and the occasional weekend work that I won’t be reachable until Sunday around 8am Perth time (midnight London time).

For those of you currently waiting on important, time-sensitive design work from me, I will be working on it all on the plane, and will email as soon as I have wifi access again. 

Hopefully this will be a smooth flight back home and I’ll be able to resume my travels in Europe by June.  Once I’m in Oz, service will resume as usual, just on an adjusted timezone and slightly jet-lagged.  I’ll keep you all posted and appreciate your patience with me over the next few days. 

For my smaller clients, who may be affected by the economic turbulence caused by all these borders closing and apocalyptic buying behaviours of customers; I am happy to continue work as planned but postpone invoices for up to 6 weeks, to help support and take pressure off in some small way.  Small businesses are suffering and we all need to pull together as a community during this time, so please don’t give up your coffee & cake habit at the local cafe, or stop buying your luxury beauty products (moisturiser is essential guys!). Every dollar spent in local businesses is an investment in your community staying afloat. 

Stay safe, keep your hands clean and loo roll stocked up! Sending you all healthy, calm, rational vibes during this tense and frazzled time. I promise my next newsletter will be filled with interesting info and envy-inducing travel pics.

With warm regards and virtual hugs (because no touching),
